Attention Endurance Athletes! Participate in a Study

Title of the Study

Impact of the Human Microbiome on the Endurance Athlete Performance

Principal Investigator:  Dmitriy Chernov, doctoral candidate in Kinesiology

We're Seeking:

  • Athletes actively competing in high-endurance sports:

  • Sports include MMA, BJJ, Wrestling, JUDO, Sambo, Boxing, Kickboxing, or other related sports

  • Age range: 18 to 55 years.

  • Male and Female

  • At least one year of competitive experience in your sport.

Study Abstract

This study examines the impact of fermented products on athletic performance and recovery. A well-rounded diet is crucial for maintaining peak energy levels and facilitating quick recovery. Fermented products like Kefir, containing beneficial probiotics, may enhance performance, endurance, and gastrointestinal health. This study aims to evaluate the potential benefits of these products for athletes.

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